Wise Men

We all know the story of the three wise men (kings) who traveled many miles to find the child who had been foretold (prophesied). These men risked much to be in the presence of this future king. They each brought gifts of great value with which to honor the child, and worshiped in his presence.

Many books, signs, cards and T-shirts still proclaim the message that “Wise Men Still Seek Him”. I passed such a sign recently and I asked myself – do they really?

Then I thought – do wise men seek God, or does a man become wise by seeking God? Honestly, they both may be accurate. The question for us is – do we honestly seek Him? Do we, as men, truly desire His company? Do we long to be in His presence? Do we really want to know what He has to say to us – or are we secretly afraid of what we might hear?

Our enemy would have us believe one or more of the following lies that:

God is mad at me because of sinful things in my past.

God is too busy to fool with the mundane things going on in my life.

God is going to tell me to do something I really don’t want to do – aka – He is going to really mess up my plans.

Whichever lie it is – it is still a lie. God is the most loving, patient, forgiving, caring, kind Father we could ever encounter. There is absolutely no reason to shy away from Him or fear Him. The Bible actually tells us that, because of what Christ has already done, we can come “boldly before God’s throne” to avail ourselves of His love, grace and help in our time of need.

Think about what is keeping you from bounding out of bed everyday eager to encounter the most gracious, giving and loving Person you could ever know. You were created by Him, and He deeply desires for you to live life with Him. He wants to be involved in every aspect of your life. He love you. Heck – He even likes you.

Christmas reminds us that wise men seek God, and that God is eager to be found. Let’s reject the lies and seek Him like never before. I am convinced that we will be blown away by what we find.

Merry Christmas,


I Will Make You

Matthew 4:18-20As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.

Jesus told his disciples to follow Him and He would be responsible to make them fishers of men. He didn’t say “acknowledge me, learn a lot of stuff, study hard, be good boys, go to church and read your Bible, and you will become fishers of men”. Jesus only asked them to do one thing – follow Him.

Following someone in Jesus’ day meant you left everything and literally walked with them every day and every night. You spent all of your time with them. You learned from them, asked them questions, listened for answers and witnessed what they did. Christ followers began to be called “Christians” or “little Christ’s”.

Somewhere along the way being a Christian, or Christ-follower, has digressed to the point that anyone who has said a prayer of salvation, or goes to church and believes in God feels completely comfortable using the term Christian. I am convinced many people have asked Jesus into their hearts as Savior, but have little or no intention of having Him be Lord/Master/King of their personal daily lives.

We are created to live life with Jesus. As John Eldredge puts it in his book Walking with God – It is our deepest need as human beings, to learn to live intimately with God. It is what we were made for. To know Christ personally and intimately is what being a follower, or Christian, is supposed to be about.

Enjoying a real, and meaningful relationship with anyone – wife, child, parent, etc. – takes time. Time together with that person is crucial in developing a lasting and meaningful bond. Are we honestly putting in the time and energy it takes to spend that kind of time with Jesus? Do we deliberately “leave our nets and follow him” every day of our lives, or do we rush through a quick devo and go on about our lives.?

Jesus continues to call us and ask us to follow Him. If we will – He will make us into the man, the leader, the husband, the father, the witness, the boss/employee, – the Christ-follower, we are meant to be. He will take the wheel if we will let go. To be a follower means you have to be willing to have someone else lead.

Don’t miss another day of walking with the King. Follow Him, and He will make you……………………
